August 9, 2021

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Monday – 1 Thessalonians 5:12-15  
This week we are moving along with our study of community by looking at another positive aspect—accountability. Unity and fellowship are vital parts of community, but we also want to grow together on this journey. Accountability is simply holding one responsible for his or her thoughts, actions, and words. In his letter to the church at Thessalonica, Paul calls upon the community to be sympathetic to the specific needs of its members. Once we are able to evaluate the hearts of others, we see where we might need to lovingly admonish, encourage, help, or be patient. The goal brings us back to our idea of “sharing together” and putting the needs of every part of the body before ours. The reciprocal love and concern found in a fully-functioning community welcome the accountability shared between its members as the community strives toward the greatest possible outcome.   

August 6, 2021

Friday – 1 Peter 3:8, 15We close out our week of fellowship (“sharing together”) by meditating on Peter’s ...
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August 5, 2021

Thursday – Romans 12:4-5Take a long look around this entire world where we live, and you won’t find ...
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August 4, 2021

Wednesday – Romans 12:14-16In the footnotes of my study Bible under this passage, I have found a unique ...
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August 3, 2021

Tuesday – Acts 2:42-47A good definition of the word “fellowship” is “sharing together.” Our community of unified believers ...
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August 2, 2021

Monday – 1 John 1:5-7This is going to sound very simple, but answer this question: “How can a ...
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August 1, 2021

Sunday – Psalm 133 Meditate on this passage as you prepare for worship today.
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July 31, 2021

Saturday – Grace DayIf you missed a day this week, then use today to catch up and review.
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July 30, 2021

Friday – Ephesians 4:2-6As we continue to meditate on the role of unity within the community of believers, ...
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July 29, 2021

Thursday – Philippians 2:14-16We have been discussing unity within the body as a foundation of community. Today we ...
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July 28, 2021

Wednesday – 1 Corinthians 12:24-27In yesterday’s reading, we received Paul’s challenge to be “perfectly united” as a body. ...
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July 27, 2021

Tuesday – 1 Corinthians 1:10The idea of unity within the body of Christ is so important Jesus himself ...
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July 26, 2021

Monday – Psalm 133:1-3God’s plan for community, as it pertains to the church, is that we commit ourselves ...
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