October 2, 2018

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Luke 12:16-21

It is human nature to desire financial success. There are few people you will come across who, if asked if money is a priority in their life, would say, “No.” However, the Bible is clear that while money is not evil, the love of it is (1 Timothy 6:10). Jesus tells a parable about a man who becomes so wealthy he has to build new storehouses for his wealth. He feels secure in his retirement, as it were, and decided to just kick back and enjoy life. The man was so comfortable in his success he neglected his spiritual life.

There is nothing wrong with being financially responsible and preparing for the future. The problem lies in being consumed with personal comfort and wealth rather than having concern for God’s kingdom. Jesus reminds us to “store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys, and where thieves do not break in or steal; for where your treasure is, there your heart will be also” (Matthew 6:20-21). All you have to do is look at how you spend your money and your time to find out what matters most to you. If the answer has no eternal value, but rather temporal selfish gain, it might be worth re-evaluating your priorities.

Interestingly, right after Jesus speaks about treasures in heaven, he speaks about anxiety. There is much freedom to be found in living an open-handed life. When we see our wealth and possessions as God’s to begin with, we are able to release our grip on them and use them in generous ways.

August 18, 2021

Wednesday – Matthew 18:19-20 Did yesterday’s list seem out of reach? If you experienced questions and concerns about how our community could possibly accomplish all ...
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August 17, 2021

Tuesday – Romans 12:1-13 As you were reading today’s passage, your copy of the Scriptures might have had a title at the ...
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August 16, 2021

Monday – Proverbs 17:17; John 15:12-17 In this final week of our community study, we will spend each day looking at a ...
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August 15, 2021

Sunday – 1 Thessalonians 4:13, 5:11; Hebrews 3:13 Meditate on these verses as you prepare for worship today. 
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August 14, 2021

Saturday – Grace Day    If you missed a day this week, then use today to catch up and review. 
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August 13, 2021

Friday – Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 As we come in for a landing this week, we come to one of the greatest passages ...
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August 12, 2021

Thursday – Hebrews 10:24-25 You need the Body of Christ, and the Body of Christ needs you. Today’s passage hits on a ...
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August 11, 2021

Wednesday  – Romans 1:11-12  The New International Version uses a word in today’s passage that sums up accountability as it pertains to community ...
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August 10, 2021

Tuesday  – Proverbs 27:17 Knives cannot sharpen themselves, and while they can be used to shape and cut other items, this ...
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August 9, 2021

Monday – 1 Thessalonians 5:12-15  This week we are moving along with our study of community by looking at another ...
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August 8, 2021

Sunday – Romans 12 Meditate on this passage as you prepare for worship today.
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August 7, 2021

Saturday – Grace Day   If you missed a day this week, then use today to catch up and ...
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