November 25, 2019

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A D V E N T  2019


Christmas 2019 is upon us. We decorate, we celebrate, and we worship. We worship the newborn King. But the King has a name—his name is Jesus. But the King has other names/titles. Do you know these names? Perhaps you’ve heard them, but never really considered what they mean.

Most of us have a first name, a middle name, and a last name. Jesus is the King’s first given name. All the other names in Scripture are really titles. Lord, Christ, and Messiah are the most familiar to us.

This Christmas Season we will focus on some other names/titles ascribed to the King.

Four of these titles are found in the Old Testament prophecy of Isaiah 9:6. We will focus our worship this Christmas Season around these titles.

Sunday, December 1—“Wonderful Counselor”

Sunday, December 8—“Mighty God”

Sunday, December 15—“Everlasting Father”

Sunday, December 22—“Prince of Peace”

Tuesday, December 24—Christmas Eve Carols and Candlelight at 5pm & 7pm

I look forward to decorating, celebrating, and worshiping with you.
Your Pastor,

Stephen G. Hatfield

Week One:
W O N D E R F U L   C O U N S E L O R

Devotions written by Troy Freeman

Isaiah 9:6; Psalm 139:6

At the time when Isaiah shared these words in chapter nine (approximately 800 years before the birth of Christ), a name was more than simply an identifier. A name defined the character of a person. So Isaiah was not only announcing the birth of the Messiah—he was declaring the amazing characteristics of this One who would save his people from their sins.

He chose to begin this character-defining list of names for Jesus with the Hebrew name Pele’ Yo’ets—Wonderful Counselor. The literal translation is “a wonder of a counselor.” Before we spend the next couple of days dissecting these two intricately formed words, spend a few moments reflecting on the fact that these were more than words. This prophecy actually came to be, as referenced by the words of Paul:

“Beyond all question, the mystery from which true godliness springs is great: He appeared in the flesh, was vindicated by the Spirit, was seen by angels, was preached among the nations, was believed on in the world, was taken up in glory”
(1 Timothy 3:16 NIV).

In these quiet moments, thank God for his perfect plan to show his love, guidance, and comfort to us in our greatest time of need by sending the Wonderful Counselor.

August 30, 2021

Monday – John 13:35We are not known by the rules we keep, but by the love we share.
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August 29, 2021

Sunday – Romans 12:1-2Pray these words as you make your way to church this morning—or as you prepare ...
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August 28, 2021

Saturday – Catch up dayIf you missed a day this week, then use today to catch up and ...
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August 27, 2021

Friday – Luke 6:1-5This passage is telling. Read it carefully, and then answer the following questions:* What was ...
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August 26, 2021

Thursday – Galatians 1:6-7Jewish legalism was flawed in several ways. Consider the following:1. New laws continually must be ...
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August 25, 2021

Wednesday – Matthew 22:35-40In contrast to the two commands of Christ—love for God and love for neighbor—the Jewish ...
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August 24, 2021

Tuesday – Romans 12:2Nothing can choke the heart and soul out of walking with God like legalism. The ...
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August 23, 2021

Rules, Rules, and more Rules. They serve a purpose but, if misapplied, can cause great harm. The British ...
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August 22, 2021

Sunday – Psalm 85 Meditate on this passage as you prepare for worship today. 
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August 21, 2021

Saturday – Grace Day  If you missed a day this week, then use today to catch up and review. 
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August 20, 2021

Friday – 1 Peter 2:9-10 Did you catch it? Don’t tell me you read right through some of the greatest promises from ...
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August 19, 2021

Thursday – Colossians 3:12-14 When you get dressed in the morning, do you ever think to “put on” these things: compassion, kindness, humility, ...
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