December 30, 2019

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Week Six:
T H E   N A M E   O F   J E S U S

Devotions written by Missy Iley

Philippians 2:9-11; Acts 19:13-16; Matthew 17:14-20

The Name of Jesus

For the next seven days, we will examine a few of the names attributed to Jesus in the New Testament.

I don’t recall what made me pick the song I sang each night to Lauren as I rocked her to sleep when she was a baby. It could have been its haunting melody in three-quarter time simply made it great lullaby material. I wish I could say I had some sort of master plan, but I didn’t. I was just singing a song I sang growing up.

Almost three years, which would be around 1,000 rocking sessions later, I heard that same little girl sweetly bellowing the words . . .

Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, there’s just something about that name . . .

as she was rocking one of her baby dolls to “sleep.” How could she have learned that song? I thought she was asleep! But there she was rocking back and forth singing . . .

. . . Master, Savior, Jesus, like the fragrance after the rain . . .

It was the most beautiful thing I had ever heard. I stood out of sight by her door stunned as she continued to proclaim . . .

. . . Kings and kingdoms will all pass away,
but there’s something about that name.

The name of Jesus brings comfort and hope to the afflicted, provides power to those who choose to take a stand and proclaim his name, strikes fear into the heart of Satan and forces him to flee, but most of all it is in his name by which the lost are saved. “If that is not enough,” writes Candice Lucey, a writer for, “Jesus walks with the believer daily, and every time a believer calls on his name, the clamorous call of sin in a person’s life is drowned by the echo of God’s promises claimed in Christ’s name.”

In order to believe in the power of the name of Jesus, faith is required (Hebrews 11:6). On numerous occasions, Jesus instructed us to pray in his name and his authority and it would be done (John 16:23-24; John 14:14; 1 John 5:13-15) even with a faith as minuscule as a mustard seed.

Yes, there is truly something about that name!

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