August 4, 2021

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WednesdayRomans 12:14-16
In the footnotes of my study Bible under this passage, I have found a unique statement: “Identification with others in their joys and in their sorrows is a Christian’s privilege and responsibility.” Wow! In applying this principle to fellowship within our community, it becomes very apparent that true fellowship requires less conceit and more compassion. God’s Word calls us to take on the burdens of others. His truth calls us to put aside personal jealousy and sincerely celebrate with those in our community. Human nature finds us harboring feelings that don’t support the nature of the Spirit. Pray today that God will show you where you have allowed selfish feelings and motives to creep in and restrict true fellowship. Make every effort to have compassion on all our community, and “rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn.” Once we make strides in this area, we will learn what it looks like to “live in harmony with one another.”

July 25, 2021

Sunday – Psalm 112:1-6Meditate on this passage as you prepare to worship.
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July 24, 2021

Saturday – Catch Up Day
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July 23, 2021

Friday – Luke 10:25-37At first glance, the parable of the Good Samaritan might not seem to have anything ...
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July 22, 2021

Thursday – Luke 7:36-50Debt is never looked upon favorably in Scripture, yet Jesus uses debt here as the ...
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July 21, 2021

Wednesday – Luke 16:1-14This is one of those parables you might have to read a couple of times ...
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July 20, 2021

Tuesday – Luke 12:13-21In this story, a man, wanting a share of his brother’s inheritance, asks Jesus to ...
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July 19, 2021

Monday – Matthew 25:14-30Many times, Jesus used financial examples to make a spiritual point. This week we are ...
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July 18, 2021

Sunday – Psalm 34:8-10Meditate on this passage as you prepare to worship.
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July 17, 2021

Saturday – Catch Up Day
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July 16, 2021

Friday – 2 Corinthians 9:6-11Have you ever felt compelled to do something out of emotional guilt? I love ...
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July 15, 2021

Thursday – 2 Corinthians 8:10-15The backbone of giving generously is love. We have the ability to love because ...
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July 14, 2021

Wednesday – 2 Corinthians 8:7-9Paul uses the example of the church in Macedonia to encourage the Corinthians to ...
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