Wednesday – Matthew 18:19-20
Did yesterday’s list seem out of reach? If you experienced questions and concerns about how our community could possibly accomplish all the things Paul listed, you are not alone. If we are approaching this concept of community while thinking it is a dream built on something we can accomplish by simply working at it, we will surely fail. However, if we meditate on this one incredible promise from Jesus, we quickly see we are not alone in this. Jesus is here with us! His Spirit is the One bringing the unity we desire. He is the common bond we have that brings fellowship like nothing we have ever experienced before. His Spirit is the one who convicts and corrects, offering the greatest degree of accountability we can know. He is the example of a life lived in serving others that provides the reference point when measuring our lives and success. Do you want to know the best part? When believers come together in community around the cause of furthering God’s Kingdom, he promises he is here with us … and that’s a promise worth sharing.
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