August 3, 2021

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TuesdayActs 2:42-47
A good definition of the word “fellowship” is “sharing together.” Our community of unified believers is functioning at full strength when we are truly “sharing together.” The early church spent time together through worship, prayer, eating, and teaching. They made sure the needs of everyone involved were met. They even gave of their own possessions to make sure others did not go without. As a result of their fellowship, their community rejoiced as they saw many more added to their number who were being saved. God works in and through us as we “share together.”

January 20, 2023

Our Daily Bible Readings currently follow the Sunday morning Bible Study curriculum. Friday - John 7:30-32
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January 19, 2023

Our Daily Bible Readings currently follow the Sunday morning Bible Study curriculum. Thursday - John 7:25-29
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January 18, 2023

Our Daily Bible Readings currently follow the Sunday morning Bible Study curriculum. Wednesday - John 7:19-24
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January 17, 2023

Our Daily Bible Readings currently follow the Sunday morning Bible Study curriculum. Tuesday - John 7:16-18
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January 16, 2023

Our Daily Bible Readings currently follow the Sunday morning Bible Study curriculum. Monday - John 7:10-15
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January 15, 2023

Our Daily Bible Readings currently follow the Sunday morning Bible Study curriculum. Sunday - John 7:6-9
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January 14, 2023

Our Daily Bible Readings currently follow the Sunday morning Bible Study curriculum. Saturday - John 7:1-5
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January 13, 2023

Our Daily Bible Readings currently follow the Sunday morning Bible Study curriculum. Friday - John 6:66-71
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January 12, 2023

Our Daily Bible Readings currently follow the Sunday morning Bible Study curriculum. Thursday - John 6:60-65
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January 11, 2023

Our Daily Bible Readings currently follow the Sunday morning Bible Study curriculum. Wednesday - John 6:52-59
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January 10, 2023

Our Daily Bible Readings currently follow the Sunday morning Bible Study curriculum. Tuesday - John 6:47-51
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January 9, 2023

Our Daily Bible Readings currently follow the Sunday morning Bible Study curriculum. Monday - John 6:41-46
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