August 2, 2021

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Monday1 John 1:5-7
This is going to sound very simple, but answer this question: “How can a person create darkness inside a room?” Don’t overthink it – the lightbulb in your mind should turn on soon. (How’s that for a hint?) In order to create darkness, a person simply has to turn off the light. This week, we are moving on to fellowship and love within our community of believers. John reveals a simple yet profound truth about the origin of true fellowship—we must walk in the light. It is possible for a follower of Christ to walk in darkness. All they have to do is turn off the light, choosing to live apart from God’s guidance and plan. How does this happen? Failing to spend time in God’s Word, choosing to stop attending church services or Bible study, and neglecting regular conversations in prayer with our God are ways we “turn off the light.” The key to walking in fellowship with our community is to simply walk with Christ on a daily basis. Walking in the light of Jesus and his sacrifice for us is the way we live out the truth of God’s Word and refresh our fellowship with others in our community of believers.

January 9, 2022

Sunday - Ezekiel 27:1-36
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January 8, 2022

Saturday - Ezekiel 26:1-21
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January 7, 2022

Friday - Ezekiel 25:1-17
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January 6, 2022

Thursday - Ezekiel 24:15-27
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January 5, 2022

Wednesday - Ezekiel 24:1-14
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January 4, 2022

Tuesday - Ezekiel 1:22-2:10
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January 3, 2022

Monday - Ezekiel 1:1-21
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January 2, 2022

Sunday: The Second Sunday After Christmas1 Timothy 6:15-16 Lord, we commit our souls to Your almighty hand. Under ...
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January 1, 2022

Saturday: Grace DayMatthew 2:10-11Happy New Year! Take time today to pause and reflect on the past five weeks ...
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December 31, 2021

Friday: The Everlasting LightIsaiah 60:19-22; Revelation 21:1-4; 9-11; 22-26; Revelation 22:1-5
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December 30, 2021

Thursday: The Day is NearMatthew 25:1-13; Daniel 2:22; Romans 13:11-14; 1 Corinthians 4:5; 1 Timothy 6:12-16
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December 29, 2021

Section 4: Waiting for the LightNight will be no more; people will not need the light of a ...
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