August 12, 2021

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Thursday – Hebrews 10:24-25 
You need the Body of Christ, and the Body of Christ needs you. Today’s passage hits on a very current theme. It is obvious that many who were alive when this chapter was written had stopped attending gatherings with other believers. They were lacking the community of the Spirit, and those who were still gathering were missing them. Have you ever stopped to think about what YOU offer to those in our community? We have already studied how every person has a specific role in the body. We understand that maintaining the unity within allows us to be most effective. Now, as we study the idea of accountability, we begin to see how two followers of Christ can actually encourage and spur on each other.  

Our regular meetings for worship and Bible study are of absolute importance. When all those involved are present and mutually sharing with one another, the body is firing on all cylinders. However, when one part is absent, not only does that person miss out on the encouragement, accountability, and lessons he or she needs, the group is also missing what that individual brings to the table. Maybe that one person is the connection point for another follower of Christ. Maybe they know how to communicate with certain people while others find it more difficult. Blessings are missed when all the “body parts” are not present and carrying out their function. We all need community, actively committing to life together as people of God for the betterment of each other.  

September 23, 2021

Thursday – 1 Corinthians 3:10-11The foundation of the church in Corinth was not Paul or any other person. ...
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September 22, 2021

Wednesday – 1 Corinthians 3:9The people are God’s farm. The people are God’s building. God owns both the ...
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September 21, 2021

Tuesday – 1 Corinthians 3:4-8Jesus should be the focus of our church. It’s both easy and sad for ...
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September 20, 2021

Monday – Psalm 127:1This verse refers to the home, but it can also apply to the church. It’s ...
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September 19, 2021

Sunday – 1 Samuel 16:7Reflect on this verse as you prepare for worship today.
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September 18, 2021

Saturday—Catch up dayTake today as a day of rest. If you missed any readings from the week, you ...
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September 17, 2021

RULES: WEEK 4—THE HEART BEHIND THE LAW Friday—Matthew 5:38-48The world makes provisions for those who have wronged another—in ...
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September 16, 2021

RULES: WEEK 4—THE HEART BEHIND THE LAW Thursday—Matthew 5:33-37Jesus stood for truth. Let our yes be a real ...
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September 15, 2021

RULES: WEEK 4—THE HEART BEHIND THE LAW Wednesday—Matthew 5:27-32Adultery was against the law. But Jesus says it’s more ...
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September 14, 2021

RULES: WEEK 4—THE HEART BEHIND THE LAW Tuesday—Matthew 5:21-26Murder was prohibited by the law from the beginning. The ...
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September 13, 2021

RULES: WEEK 4—THE HEART BEHIND THE LAW Monday—Matthew 5:17-20The Israelites had been living according to the law for ...
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September 12, 2021

Sunday – 2 Peter 3:9Reflect on this verse as you prepare for worship today.
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