Titus 2:11-15
Of all the things Paul could have chosen to teach the Cretans, he instructs Titus to teach the grace of God with a perspective on Christ’s return. Rather than focus on what NOT to do, Paul focuses on what TO do. Paul says in 2:12 that grace is a teacher; grace “teaches us to say ‘No’ to ungodliness and worldly passions and to live a self-controlled, upright and godly life.” Grace alone brings salvation, not works. Additionally, Paul encourages Titus to lead the Cretans to eagerly await Christ’s second coming when Jesus will come for those who are his. If the Cretans (and WE) can realize the Jesus-life is about grace and this life doesn’t belong to us, transformed living is possible. Only when “Christ has redeemed us from all wickedness, and purified us for himself” can we be “eager to do what is good” (2:14).
Think about your life. Do you accept God’s grace or is there something for which you can’t forgive yourself? Do you give God’s grace to others or do you hold them to standards not even Christ intended? Let grace be your teacher today. Living out of this ocean depth of grace, eagerly do what is good.
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