December 19, 2021

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Sunday: The Fourth Sunday of Advent
Matthew 4:16

Light up, O Lord, a brighter and stronger flame in the lamps of your sanctuary.

Send the arrows of your quiver deep into our conscience. Clothe your priests with salvation, that Your saints may shout aloud for joy! Anoint them with Your Holy Spirit, that the aroma of Your grace may spread throughout all Your tabernacles, like fragrant oil poured on the head of Aaron.

Lead us, O Lord, in the way everlasting. Make us resemble our great Master, more and more, as we show grace to others.

Sanctify our hearts by Your grace, that we may be as trees bearing good fruit, or like fountains of pure streams. That is the path to lay up good treasure—it is the way for holiness and compassion to spring forth in freedom, to refresh and give life to everyone around us.

May Your grace animate our souls, Lord. May nothing stand in the way of faithfulness even to death, or deprive us of the crown of life Your grace has promised.

May we receive all those who faithfully proclaim Your word, and welcome them in the name of Jesus. Amen.
Prayers of the Puritans

October 17, 2021

Sunday – John 6:35As you come to church this morning, come prepared to take the Bread and the ...
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October 16, 2021

Saturday – Catch up dayIf you missed a day this week, then use today to catch up and ...
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October 15, 2021

Friday – Luke 24:13-35Jesus used the same words when he picked up the bread on the table of ...
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October 14, 2021

Thursday – Luke 22:19These words are also found in Matthew 26:26 and Mark 14:22. Each passage records the ...
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October 13, 2021

Wednesday – Mark 14:22-26Jesus took the Passover meal with his disciples. Every part of this meal pointed back ...
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October 12, 2021

Tuesday – Matthew 3:13-17Jesus did not need to be baptized. He experienced it as an example to us. ...
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October 11, 2021

The New Testament gives us two practices/ordinances. One is Believer’s Baptism, while the other is Bread and Cup. ...
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October 10, 2021

Sunday – Hosea 14:9Read the words of the prophet, Hosea as you prepare for worship this morning.
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October 9, 2021

Saturday – Catch up dayIf you missed a day this week, then use today to catch up and ...
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October 8, 2021

Friday – 2 Timothy 1:8-12Paul is confident in his relationship with Jesus. Let these words sink into your ...
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October 7, 2021

Thursday – Psalm 89:30-33If a person is saved, once for all time, then what does God do to ...
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October 6, 2021

Wednesday – 1 John 2:18-19These verses contain the real problem. Look closely at the word “antichrist.” John identifies ...
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