August 6, 2021

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Friday1 Peter 3:8, 15
We close out our week of fellowship (“sharing together”) by meditating on Peter’s words. He lists 5 virtues for us to put into practice when living in community with others:

* Be like-minded
* Be sympathetic
* Love one another
* Be compassionate
* Be humble

This is an exceptional list to apply each day in order to see how our lives measure up to the standards set by God’s Word. If each member of our community will begin to put these into practice, unity would be maintained and fellowship would be restored. However, the important part of all of this is that the heart is right. In 3:15, Peter lays out the truth of why we do what we do when he says, “but in your hearts revere Christ as Lord.” The drive behind our actions should always be worship. We serve our Lord out of an intense reverence for who he is and what he has done for us. That is why we strive to make our community function the very best it can.

May 2, 2021

Sunday – Isaiah 40:8 Our children lead us in worship this morning.Complete the memory verse—Isaiah 40:8. “The grass ...
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May 1, 2021

Saturday – Catch up dayIf you missed a day this week, then use today to catch up and ...
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April 30, 2021

Friday – Genesis 2:3-4; 2 Peter 3:8Both passages today focus on the concept of a “day.” The Genesis ...
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April 29, 2021

Thursday – 1 Samuel 17:31-58Today’s passage is long, but it’s fast-paced and exciting. Most of us are familiar ...
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April 28, 2021

Wednesday – Matthew 5:43-44These verses are found in what is called the “Sermon on the Mount.” Here, Jesus ...
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April 27, 2021

Tuesday – Jeremiah 29:11One of the most important considerations when interpreting the Bible is “context.” This simply means ...
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April 26, 2021

Monday – John 2:13-22, Matthew 21:12-17Read both passages. Do you notice John’s account has this cleansing of the ...
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April 25, 2021

Sunday – Isaiah 40:8Add the next phrase in Isaiah 40:8 and commit it to memory as you prepare ...
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April 24, 2021

Saturday – Catch up dayIf you missed a day this week, then use today to catch up and ...
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April 23, 2021

Friday – Psalm 119:97-104Take a close look at this entire psalm. It is long and it is poetic. ...
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April 22, 2021

Thursday – Jeremiah 18:1-6Here’s another parable. Who is the potter? Who is the clay? How would you apply ...
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April 21, 2021

Wednesday – Mark 4:26-29Here’s another parable. Since Jesus does not give us precise details about each part of ...
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