SGH Retirement
After 49 years of ministry serving in Arkansas and Texas, including the past 28 years at First Baptist Church, Lewisville, Texas—SGH is retiring on November 21.
Stephen G. Hatfield came with his family 28 years ago to serve as pastor of the First Baptist Church of Lewisville. At the beginning of June 2021, he announced his retirement from full-time ministry. As a church, we are so grateful for the way Stephen and Marcie have loved our congregation. We have experienced loss together, rejoiced together, and served our community together. After 28 years, FBCL is truly family to the Hatfields.
We will have several opportunities to celebrate the Hatfields and you are invited to join in the festivities!
November 21

Donuts with SGH & Marcie
Join SGH & Marcie for coffee & donuts on Sunday, November 21, before the service at 8:45am in the Worship Center Atrium. This will be a special time to love and support them on their final Sunday.

A Service of Thanksgiving and Worship
We will all join together on Sunday, November 21, for a special service of thanksgiving and worship from 10-11:30am. This will be a time to celebrate God's faithfulness through the Hatfields' 28 years of service at FBCL.
Note: Bible Studies will not meet this morning.