First Baptist Church Lewisville: Our History and Heritage
The origins of First Baptist Lewisville can be traced back to 1869, when a small group of 13 devoted individuals established the Holford Prairie Church. Later known as Holford Baptist Church, it was housed in a two-story building at what is now the site of McGee Lane's Old Hall Cemetery, just a few blocks north of the current location.
By 1882, the 37-member congregation decided to construct a new church and the First Baptist Church of Lewisville (FBCL) was erected at the intersection of Charles Street and Main. A new three-story brick building was built in 1952, and four years later, a new auditorium was added with a capacity of 450 people. In 1973, the church was renovated, and a new sanctuary was added in the 1980s.
In 1996, with Dr. Stephen Hatfield as Pastor, FBCL relocated from Old Town Lewisville to its present location on Valley Ridge Blvd. Most recently, in 2019, a new children's wing was added along with a complete renovation of the youth and student wing.
The deep roots and long history in the area are a testament to the church’s ongoing commitment to being visibly active in serving the community. The leadership of the church is dedicated to making FBCL a place where people commit to serving Jesus and His Kingdom.
FBCL is an autonomous and congregation-led Baptist church serving under the Lordship of Jesus Christ. That is, the membership retains unto itself the exclusive right of self-government in all phases of the spiritual and temporal life of this church. The daily life of the church is guided by elected committees and teams whose task is, with support and coordination from the Pastor and staff, to aid and support the mission and ministry of the church.
Our Affiliations
FBC Lewisville is autonomous from any other church or organization. We choose to cooperate at the county, state, and national level with other Baptist churches. We align with the Denton Baptist Association, Baptist General Convention of Texas, Southern Baptist Convention, and Baptist World Alliance. While we coordinate and resource the groups, they have no authority over us nor do we over them. Our cooperation allows more effective work locally and worldwide for the cause of Christ.
What We Believe
We believe God is three in one and one in three; he reveals himself to us as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
We believe the Bible is the true Word of God and is the ultimate guide for faith and practice. It teaches us that through faith in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, we can have a personal relationship with God and that we are called to live faithfully as followers of Jesus.
We believe Jesus Christ is the only way to know the true God, and we are passionate about sharing the good news of Jesus Christ with others.
We believe salvation is through grace alone and once we have a true relationship with Christ, it is eternal.
We believe people have a personal choice to accept or reject God's gift of salvation.
We believe that Christ gave us two ordinances: Baptism and the Lord's Supper. Baptism is the public declaration of a person's commitment to Christ. The Lord's Supper reminds us of Jesus' sacrifice and our relationship to him.
We believe that Jesus calls us to be involved in His ministry and mission to the world through evangelism, service to local and global communities, and having a special concern for the poor and downtrodden.
We believe the Church is called forth by the proclamation of the Kingdom of God. The Holy Spirit creates an obedient people that builds a corporate fellowship. The church is, therefore, a gathering of baptized believers which has joined together for the purpose of walking with one another as God’s people under Christ.
As Baptists, we believe that active participation in the church's life and its missional efforts is the natural expression of the faithful Christian life.
Our Pastor Search Committee is seeking an energetic pastor who connects naturally with young families as well as people of all generations.
After the long and faithful ministry of our previous Senior Pastor, we are looking for a person who desires to plant roots in Lewisville and serve for a long season. This person must be a leader, a vision caster, a solid bible teacher, and a loving shepherd.
FBCL has a long and fruitful history and is therefore looking for a Senior Pastor who will help us capture a fresh vision for the future. We seek a leader who will generate a passion within our church to serve our everchanging community and to view FBCL as the place for community members to grow in their understanding of what it means to follow Jesus. Because FBCL is a multi-generational church, the Senior Pastor must be humble, gentle, and patient in their approach to change.
Due to the church’s focus on discipleship, FBCL is looking for a well-educated and faithful Bible teacher who can bring God’s word to life both from the pulpit and through a variety of teaching events within in the church.
Moreover, FBCL desires a pastor – a true shepherd who cares for the members and leads the staff and other ministry leaders with love and grace. The pastor must be someone the whole church finds approachable and eager to serve.
Pastor's Ministry Priorities
- A person who focuses on preaching biblically faithful sermons that are relevant to people’s lives and produces spiritual growth
- A visionary leader who understands how to share a vision that strategically leads FBCL into a fruitful and gospel-inspired future
- A person characterized by strong communication skills, emotional intelligence, and personal humility
- A leader who empowers staff, encourages lay leadership, and leads from a place of love and care
- A soul-winner and disciple of Jesus who leads by example and whose personal walk with God is evident
- A well-prepared Bible teacher whose biblical teaching inspires people to become followers of Jesus and live lives faithful to the Gospel
- A person who is eager to serve the community of Lewisville and settle here for a significant season
- A relationship builder who connects well with young families in particular and all generations in general
- A leader whose personality radiates authenticity, passion, and energy
- A shepherd who engages in pastoral counseling, visitation, and pastor care when needed
Position Requirements
- A Master of Divinity (MDiv) degree or its equivalent required; a doctoral degree in Bible or ministry highly preferred (DMin or PhD)
- Education must include Baptist connection – especially the terminal degree
- Significant pastoral experience in a multi-staff church
- Understanding of Baptist ecclesiology and polity and experience serving in a Baptist church that is part of a larger Baptist network
- Demonstrable leadership qualities evident from current and previous ministry positions
- Willingness to work as a team leader in a multi-staff context
- Commitment to serve within the church’s current denomination (Texas Baptists [BGCT] and related) partnerships
- Commitment to evangelism and outreach in an increasingly diverse community
- A commitment to serve the church and its community as a first priority
- Excellent written and verbal communication skills
- An evident unequivocal calling to the ministry of a lead pastor
- A lifestyle congruent with the biblical requirements for leaders (Acts 20:28; 1 Tim. 3:1-7; 2 Tim. 2:1-3; 4:2; Titus 1:6-9)
Primary Responsibilities
- Provide overall vision for the direction of the church
- Serve as the spiritual leader of the church
- Operate as the church’s primary Bible teacher and preacher, responsible for the regular Bible-teaching ministry of the church
- Work with the worship leader to plan the worship services of the church
- Meet regularly and consistently with the church staff for planning and vision casting
- Conduct weddings, funerals, and baptisms as needed in accordance with the doctrinal commitments of our church
- Officiate the Lord’s Supper on a regular basis
- Spend an appropriate amount of time in study and prayer for personal growth and in preparation for preaching and teaching opportunities
- Lead as a role model in personal discipleship, stewardship, and evangelism
- Meet regularly with the church staff and other ministry leaders to disciple and train them in ministry
- Meet with the church’s deacons and lay leaders on a regular basis to report on the spiritual, organizational, and financial health of the congregation
- Develop relationships with other churches and organizations in our community consistent with our church’s mission and values
- Provide spiritual counseling to church members/families when needed
- Serve as an ex-officio member of all church committees and teams
- Ensure an ongoing ministry to church members who are homebound or nursing home residents