August 5, 2021

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ThursdayRomans 12:4-5
Take a long look around this entire world where we live, and you won’t find a more amazing and complex creation than the human body. The ability of all the various parts to work together for the good of the whole is incredible. It should come as no surprise that, when given the chance to teach us about our very own community of believers, Paul goes straight for the perfect illustration—the human body. True unity and fellowship within our community exist only when each person stands upon the truth of God and approaches all others through the lens of Christ. We all belong to each other and must carry out our God-given purpose for the good of the entire community. 

December 28, 2021

Tuesday: Wise Men Visit the KingMatthew 2:1-23; Jeremiah 31:15-17
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December 27, 2021

Monday: Jesus Presented in the TempleLuke 2:21-40; Leviticus 12:6-8
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December 26, 2021

Sunday: The First Sunday After AdventLuke 1:78-79 Almighty God, You have poured upon us the new light of ...
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December 25, 2021

Saturday: Christmas DayLuke 2:1-20; Galatians 4:4-5 A Prayer for Christmas DayO God, You have caused this holy night ...
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December 24, 2021

Friday: Christmas EveLuke 1:57-80; Isaiah 40:1-5; John 1:6-9; 15
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December 23, 2021

Thursday: Mary’s Song of PraiseLuke 1:39-56; Psalm 107:1-16
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December 22, 2021

Wednesday: An Angel Visits JosephMatthew 1:18-25; Isaiah 11:1-9
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December 21, 2021

Tuesday: An Angel Visits MaryLuke 1:26-38; Job 33:4; Isaiah 7:14; Daniel 7:13-14
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December 20, 2021

Monday: The Birth of John the Baptist ForetoldLuke 1:5-25; Malachi 3:1-4
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December 19, 2021

Sunday: The Fourth Sunday of AdventMatthew 4:16 Light up, O Lord, a brighter and stronger flame in the ...
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December 18, 2021

Saturday: Grace DayIsaiah 9:6Advent is a season of celebration and contemplation. We rejoice that our Savior has come ...
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December 17, 2021

Section 3: The Light DawnsThe people walking in darkness have seen a great light; a light has dawned ...
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