I’m New
Welcome to First Baptist of Lewisville!

As a church, we focus on three very biblical priorities. We want everyone who comes to FBC to be able to reach these desired results…to be willing to say:
- I commit to Jesus.
- I commit to His followers.
- I commit to His world.
We use these three result statements as a guideline for the ministry we do. We want to make sure the opportunities we take inside and outside the church are helping individuals fulfill these commitment statements and, in turn, helping the world to know about our commitments and pray they will join us in them.
About Sunday Morning Services
9:30am Worship
This is a multi-generational style of worship and a message from our pastor. You will find a whole-hearted commitment to being the kind of worshipers God seeks. Challenging biblical truth, intentional prayer, Scripture meditation, a celebration of God-sized victories, and heart-felt, sincere, relevant songs of praise will be the staples of our time together.

Where Are You Located - 1251 Valley Ridge Blvd., Lewisville, Texas 75077 (Intersection of Valley Ridge Blvd. and Old Orchard/McGee Lane)
Where Do I Go When I Get There?
Our main entrance is located under the larger of two steeples on the west end of our property. There is parking outside that entrance or at the children's entrance on the north side. Once you enter the doors, you will be greeted by several people who are willing to help you find a Bible Study or place in the Worship Center. For more detailed information, visit the Welcome Center staffed with helpful people just inside the main doors.
We also have coffee available for you. Visit the Welcome Center and let us know you are a first-time guest. We will give you a coupon for a free drink at our coffee bar located in the Fellowship Center atrium (middle of church).
What Do I Wear?
Dress comfortably. On a Sunday morning at FBC, you’ll find anything from jeans and t-shirts to business casual. We care more about meeting you than about what you wear.
What can I Expect?
A Welcoming Atmosphere
We are happy to have you visit. When you visit, feel free stop at one of our Welcome Desks. We have one located at each of our steeple entrances and one at our Children’s Building entrance. Our volunteers will be happy to assist you in getting to where you’d like to go.
Bible Study Groups For All Ages
8:15am & 11am
The best way to get connected is to join one of our Sunday Morning Bible Studies – a place where you will find genuinely warm and caring individuals who are happy to meet you. We encourage you to visit several groups and discover which one is a fit for you. Don’t feel like you need to stay within a defined age group. Most have members whose ages don’t fit cleanly into any one group. These are simply meant to be categories to point you in a general direction. We have two Bible Study hours at 8:15am and 11am. Each of these lasts one hour. There are class options for adults at each hour. For children and students, Bible Study is at 11am.
What about Kids and Students?
We have care available on Sunday Morning for babies through Preschool. Each week, kids experience age-appropriate Bible teaching in a fun, loving, and exciting environment. Preschool@First works hard to provide a fun and safe environment that is “kid tested and mother approved”!
Our Kids@First Ministry is designed for your kids' in Kindergarten through 5th Grade! We have Bible Study at 11:15am where they will experience a Bible Study lesson through games, crafts, teaching, and other useful methods to effectively connect your child with the truth of Jesus Christ.
Sunday Morning Bible Study is our main opportunity for Bible teaching and a great place to get connected to other students your age.
Grades 6-12 meet at 11am in Room 203.
Contact Us
Have questions? Want more information? Reach out to FBC Lewisville and one of our team will get back with you shortly. We are here to answer any questions you may have about Christ, Salvation, the Bible, this Church, Events, or other things we can help with.