Witnessing the boundless creativity, love, and generosity of God unfolding daily is truly awe-inspiring. Within our church, there's a beautiful community of individuals who selflessly offer their time, skills, and resources in myriad ways. We extend a warm invitation for you to become part of our ethos—a movement rooted in everyday acts of generosity.
Whether you find yourself on stage alongside our worship teams, contributing goods to shelters, lending a hand on volunteer teams, giving online, or simply dropping a donation into our collection, each gesture holds profound significance. These acts of generosity, big and small, have a huge impact, profoundly altering the course of others' lives. Your gifts and service, offered in worship, draw us closer to the Author of all Creation. Join us as we journey together in this transformative spirit of giving!
TEXT fbclewisville TO 77977
Make checks out to FBC Lewisville
Tithing is our starting place in giving. The Bible teaches us about a baseline standard for giving: the tithe (a word that means a “tenth”). Giving the first 10% of our income through the local church puts God first in our lives. Tithing is an act of worship that expresses our gratitude, faith, and love for others. God also encourages us to give offerings beyond our tithe to specific projects at our local church and other organizations and causes we believe in.
To begin giving online, you just need to click the link below.
- Go to our giving page HERE and complete the required fields. Once complete, click "Next."
- Enter your mobile number and click "Send code."
- Enter the Security code sent to your phone and click "Confirm."
- Complete the form and click "Next."
- Fill in your payment details and click "Next."
- Choose the Payment method and click "Give $__.__"
To view your giving statement, log into your church profile at connect.fbclewisville.org. Once you are logged in:
- View your profile by clicking the image in the upper right corner.
- Click on INVOLVEMENT on your Profile page.
- Select FINANCIAL or scroll down the page to the FINANCIAL BOX.
- Click the THREE DOTS and select GIVING STATEMENT.
- Select theGiving Statement for your Family or Individual.
- Use the Quick Date Range to select the time period you would like to see.
- Click RUN REPORT to see your Giving Statement.
Please contact our office if you have any questions.