July 9, 2021

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FridayMark 12:41-44
Honor God with your wealth through giving. “By faith Abel brought God a better offering than Cain did. By faith he was commended as righteous, when God spoke well of his offerings” (Hebrews 11:4 NIV). We remember Abel mostly because he was the first murder victim. But Hebrews 11 remembers Abel as a righteous man because of his giving. We don’t know much about Abel. He didn’t conquer foreign enemies; he didn’t rule over God’s people; he didn’t deliver oracles from God. What he did do was give what he had to God. We don’t know what Abel gave, only that God was pleased with his gift. Consider Hebrews 11:6: “Without faith it is impossible to please God.” Giving is an act of faith. It’s not about the amount you give, but the motivation in your heart to give. Only an attitude of faith can inspire such giving. To be clear, God does not need our money. He wants our lives. Romans 12:1 calls on followers of Christ “to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship.”  

Giving and faith go together. Do you really trust God to provide for you?  

January 2, 2024

Our Daily Bible Readings currently follow the Sunday morning Bible Study curriculum. Tuesday - Genesis 6:9-13
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January 1, 2024

Our Daily Bible Readings currently follow the Sunday morning Bible Study curriculum. Monday - Genesis 6:5-8
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December 31, 2023

Our Daily Bible Readings currently follow the Sunday morning Bible Study curriculum. Sunday - Genesis 6:1-4
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December 30, 2023

Our Daily Bible Readings currently follow the Sunday morning Bible Study curriculum. Saturday - Genesis 5:25-32
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December 29, 2023

Our Daily Bible Readings currently follow the Sunday morning Bible Study curriculum. Friday - Genesis 5:21-24
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December 28, 2023

Our Daily Bible Readings currently follow the Sunday morning Bible Study curriculum. Thursday - Genesis 5:12-20
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December 27, 2023

Our Daily Bible Readings currently follow the Sunday morning Bible Study curriculum. Wednesday - Genesis 5:6-11
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December 26, 2023

Our Daily Bible Readings currently follow the Sunday morning Bible Study curriculum. Tuesday - Genesis 5:1-5
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December 25, 2023

Our Daily Bible Readings currently follow the Sunday morning Bible Study curriculum. Monday - Genesis 4:25-26
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December 24, 2023

Our Daily Bible Readings currently follow the Sunday morning Bible Study curriculum. Sunday - Genesis 4:17-24
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December 23, 2023

Our Daily Bible Readings currently follow the Sunday morning Bible Study curriculum. Saturday - Genesis 4:13-16
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December 22, 2023

Our Daily Bible Readings currently follow the Sunday morning Bible Study curriculum. Friday - Genesis 4:6-12
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