Devotions written by Mikel Porter, Young Adult Minister
Genesis 1:26-2:1
This week, we will explore the ways in which we are connected to our God. From the very beginning, we were creatures of connection. We were made in the image of God, automatically wired to long for connection with him and with one another.
God created humankind in his own image. What exactly does this mean? When I think of an image, I think of a mirror. When I look across my bathroom counter into a mirror, I see an image of myself staring back. But have you ever looked into an angled mirror? Karen Becker, one of our ministry assistants, has an angled mirror over her desk. If she looks at it straight on, she can see her own reflection, but if she looks from an angle, she can see who is walking down the hall. When I come up from behind her, I can see her reflection staring back at me.
We are image-bearers of God. It is as though we are an angled mirror set just so the world can look at us and see a reflection of our God. We are connected to him as we are an image of him.
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